
Tuesday 25 March 2014

DIY of the Week: Make Quirky Penstands from Newspapers

Hello to all you lovely people. Hope this summers' keeping you good... Its been extremely hot over the last few days in Goa. Thanks to our beaches, we can always have a quick dip to keep off this scorching heat. 
Well getting back to business, I finally got my self started from a long lazy break and back to what I love doing! Here's what I made this weekend and I'm sure you all will love it too. Followed by the picture is a detailed tutorial for the same. Hope you enjoy it!
Being a crafter, I'm always short of pen stands, storage boxes etc etc. I'm sure you'll agree with me on this! And if you're like me, who never likes to purchase such stuff thinking that you can make it by yourself, you're definitely going to end up making things like these. He he he.
I love Newspaper & magazines as craft as art mediums. You can use them in a million of different ways to make amazing stuff. The best part is they're easily available and inexpensive. 
What you'll need for this Pen Stand:
·             Newspaper (Pages cut into Halves)
·      Acrylic Paints ( Normal & Metallic)
·      Ribbon of your Choice
·      An old CD
·      Colored Paper
·      Empty tissue Paper Rolls
·      Fevicol

To Start off, we need to make thin rolls like pipes from newspaper. To do this, we need to take halves of newspaper pages and start rolling it from the corners till you form one thin roll from it. 
Start rolling slowly from one of the corners of the paper and keep rolling it tight till you form a thin roll. Glue the last bit or corner that remains so that the roll remains intact.
Once you're done with this, trim the ends and cut them into sizes as desired for the project. Since we're making a pen stand and I intend to use it for my brushes and scissors, I've just cut the rolls into halves. These are all the rolls I made since my next project too is based on these newspaper rolls.
So we're done with the newspaper rolls. Now we need to make a base for the pen stand so I'm going to use an old CD, some empty tissue paper rolls to make this. Since I love a lot of compartments, I've used 3 tissue rolls to make this pen stand. 
Take any old CD and get it covered by any colored paper of your choice. 
Glue all 3 empty tissue rolls to this base with fevicol. 
Once you're done with this, apply fevicol to all the tissue rolls from outside and also some next to the base so that we can easily glue the thin rolls to the stand. One by one glue the thin newspaper rolls to the stand.
This is what it will look like once you complete gluing all the rolls together.
Now comes the fun part - Colour, enhance and decorate!! Since this has a lot of layers which creates a lot of dimensions, I thought of using a mix of metallic and normal paints inspired by peacock shades. So I started off painting the lower half with some metallic shades and the upper portion with the normal acrylic paints. To complete the look, I got the CD base painted in metallics too.
Here's what the pen stand looks like after being fully painted. I'm so in love with the colours of this pen stand!
For the finishing, tie a broad ribbon around it. I've used a gold one to contrast the colours used on the pen stand.
So that's it with my super-colourful & vibrant pen stand. Making and keeping stuff with colours like these simply makes me happy! 
Well, if you're going to try this out, remember the options are endless. You can use a lot of combinations and there are a million ways to enhance and accessorise it!

I hope you enjoyed this DIY and I hope you enjoy making it too!

Till then,
Happy Crafting! Have a great week ahead!


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