
Friday 27 September 2013

Leibster Award!

So Cool & Totally unexpected! Well at first I didn't know whats a Liebster Award :P But When I found out I thought it was totally cool! And this being my first, I definitely don't want to miss the opportunity. Thanks to Priyanjana Roy from Moonshine and Sunlight for nominating me! Makes me feel on top of the world!

So here is how Liebster Award works
a.       You answer the 10 questions that your nominator gave you
b.      After that you nominate 10 other people who have less than 200 followers and link them in your post
c.       You think of 10 new questions for the nominees to answer
d.      You let them know you’ve nominated them so they can post their response/questions.
Isn't this cool? A really cool concept and love the way to helps give exposure to other bloggers.

Here are the set of questions given to me by Priyanjana along with my answers:

1. When did you realize that you love to blog?
It came out of the want to share what I create so I couldn’t think of anything better than a blog. I love to
create and share the techniques behind it. 

2. What is the most annoying thing when you are blogging?
Time! I struggle to get enough of time to put down all the ideas on my blog.

3. What kind of junk food do you like?
mmmmm…. all sorts of Junk food! I’m a die-hard foodie: P A big fan of the wada-pav & bhel puri in
Mumbai but my all time favorite would be the cutlet bread that you get at the Miramar beach in Goa.

4. A car or a Bicycle ? which one and why ?
A car! Gets me faster to my destination.

5. What is the best thing in your life?
My family, my husband to be and my home state – Goa!

6. Which season is the best according to you?
I love winters! And winter to me is like Christmas. And Goa is superb during winters – Chilly 
breezy mornings, a month long of celebrations and mind blowing sunsets.

7. Rainbow or Black clouds? Why?
Rainbow – I love lots & lots of colors J

8. What makes you frustrated the most?
The need to get more time, to do more stuff & to blog more frequently! I’m a full time 
working professional which leaves me with limited time only over the weekends. 

9. Which is your favourite movie?
I love too many movies to have a particular favorite but movies that top my list are Real Steel, Chronicles 
of Narnia & all the series in Wolverine (well, that’s because I totally love Hugh Jackman).

10.If you were granted a wish to be anyone, who would you want to be?
Myself! J

Hope these answers help you know me better. :) Well Here are my nominations for the Liebster Award:

And here are my set of questions:
1. What is the reason that led you blog in the first place?
2. Where do your blogging ideas come from?
3. What or who encourage you to start your blog?
4. Which was your ambition as a Child?
5. Best buy till Date
6. If you were given a chance to go out on a date with any Celeb, whom would it be & why?
7. Favourite Holiday Destination in India
8. The best quality I treasure is...
9. One thing that you'd never get bored with...
10. Describe yourself in three words

Looking forward to your answers.




  1. thanks karen for sharing the award

  2. Your city is just superb anytime of the year !
    no matter how many times I go , It'll never be enough for me !

    1. Oh yea! That's true. Anytime of the year!! Lucky to be Goan! :)
