
Wednesday 7 August 2013

DIY: Stationary Organizer from disposable Coffee Cups

When it comes to organising small stationary items it gets really difficult to get all these things together at one place. This is so true especially as far as stuff like pins, paper clips, lead packs, erasers are concerned. Its just too messy to organise things like these. And I'm sure you'll agree with me on this! We do have a lot of options in pen stands but then again it really doesn't serve the purpose. This weeks project is a stationary organiser which works very well for tiny stationary stuff. Made from disposable coffee cups and a box lid, this organiser is sure to solve all the tiny stuff problems!:P
Take a look at the organiser before you check out the tutorial!

Isn't it cool? Well this project is really simple..

Disposable Coffee Cups
Box Lid/Cardboard/Covers of an old hardbound book
Metallic Paints
     Coloured Pens & Markers

Start off with painting the coffee cups with metallic paints on the outside as well as the uppermost part inside and the base on the inside.  Allow the cups to dry.
Take a box lid as the base (You could also use a cardboard piece or a cover of an old hardbound book). Paint it in the colour of your choice and design. In this case, I've used my favourite spiral design on the inside and the sides of the box. Create a similar design on the cups as well.
 The final step is to glue the disposable cups to the base. 
As I said, its a very good and an economical way to create an organiser for your desk as compared to the regular and boring pen stands available in the market. And a great way to recycle! So go ahead, make your own!

Till then,
Happy Crafting!