
Thursday 21 February 2013

Spruce up your Dining Space with these Adorable Cookie Jars - Part III

Seems like everyone in for cookie jars… The last lot got sold out like phew! I wonder what people store in them...he he! Would love to know in fact!
Well, here's another lot of my cookie jars in vibrant and unique designs. check it out.
Hand painted in gold oil paints and black glass liner
Hand painted in black oil paints and gold glass liner
Hand painted in sea blue glass paints embellished with handmade gold paper and gold liner

Hand painted in yellow glass paints and black glass liner. embellished with gold and yellow decorative stones

Hand painted in tomato red glass paints and embellished with gold handmade paper and decorative stones

Hand painted in sea blue glass paints embellished with handmade gold paper, gold liner and turquoise decorative stones.

Hand painted in glass paints embellished with gold liner and punched flowers in purple
Hand painted in glass paints embellished with gold liner and punched flowers in purple
Thats it for now. But there's load more to come ahead. 

Till then, Happy Crafting



  1. Amazing work, I will try the ones with chai glasses in earlier post.

  2. Hi Saru. Thanks for visiting my blog. Do share pictures once you try out the chai glasses. Happy crafting! Karen
