
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Beer Bottles Upcylced to Create Lighting Décor

Well, it’s been a long time that I’ve shared my recent updates and activities and my list of excuses doesn’t seem to end :P. It’s been a busy season of festivals and holidays… and since I’m based in Goa, we have a dozen of festivals lined up like the IFFI, the St. Francis Xavier feast, Christmas and tons of weddings! And if you happen to visit Goa during this wintery festival time, you’ll find a lot of glitter around you with festive lights and lamps everywhere – the streets, the markets, the beaches. And I’m so inspired by all the glitter and the light bulbs around me that I’m just trying to stock up as many ideas and stuff stocked up so that I can make lighting for Christmas!!

My recent project is also based on lighting where I’ve up cycled beer (breezer) bottles to make beautiful lighting. Here's a sneak up of the bottles before I would lay my hands on them...
Basically, What I’ve done with these is – got the base layer of the bottle cut to use it appropriately for lighting, got the bottles painted with ceramic paints (because they’re more durable than glass paints and give a deep color on glass). And finally, for the lighting I’ve used tea-light candles as well as rice lights to light up these. Check out the pictures below to see more… 
A few snapshots in broad day light:
And here are the snapshots with the actual plethora of lights..
A Magenta colored bottle lighting inspired by morrocan art. Love the colorful reflection created by the design.
A Yellow colored bottle lighting in a mosaic and spiral design. Notice how the dark borders create the bold shadows with the fine ripples created by the spiral design.
A turquoise colored bottle lighting with an abstract leaf design. 
My favorite of the lot! Plum colored bottle lighting inspired by a morrocan design. Also, notice the reflections it creates is totally mind blowing. In fact i did not expect to get such an effect upon lighting. I was totally surprised!
The lot together creating a beautiful plethora of lights
I've also tried lighting up these bottles using rice lights and here's how it looks...
A more vibrant version of the bottle lighting decor.

And that's all for these week. I plan to create a chandelier or a hanging lantern of these bottles which I would share it in my future posts. For more pictures do visit my Facebook Page and do not forget to like us if you love our stuff!! 

Till then, take care and Happy Crafting!

Karen Vaz


  1. Karen, excellent work I must say! Loved seeing those beautiful reflections created by the combination of light and design.

    Just one question - how did you manage to cut away the glass bottom? Did you use any specialized drill? Also, how have you 'stuck' the tea-light candle (is it resting on a base or something?)

  2. Thank you Djnish. As mentioned in my post, I got these bottles cut from a glass vendor. Any glass vendor should be able to do it since they have specialized drills for glass. I've not stuck the tea light candle to anything. Its just resting on the floor.

  3. Are you selling this Light Up Bottle ? 

  4. Are you selling this products ?
