
Monday, 27 August 2012

Turning Junk Items Into Pen Stands for your Desk!

A great idea for those who love experimenting with Junk and throw-away items. I had a lot of stuff lying around the house especially old CD's, leftover toilet paper roll cardboard (had kept it in just in case I want to make something out of it) and some old boxes, which i knew I would use someday. 

With limited time and materials at hand, I managed to pull off 3 pieces. The first one is a pen stand made out of an old plastic bottle. What I've used for this piece:
  • Old CD (as the base)
  • Plastic wine bottle (for the pen holder), cut into half to get a wide mouthed stand.
  • Fine jute twine,lace and some ribbon ( for decorating the pen stand)
  • Acrylic Paint ( to paint the base)
  • Glue - I've used Fevibond & Fevicol in this case. Fevibond - to stick together the stand and the base (since its a stronger glue base) and fevicol - to stick the twine around the stand.
The skeleton:
Twirled with a fine jute rope and decorated with a strip of lace and a red ribbon, this surely makes a cute and a rustic piece for the desk. 
The final product:

The second one is a piece made out of the leftover cardboard from the toilet paper roll. What I've used:
  • Cardboard from the toilet paper roll (as the stand)
  • Old CD (as the base)
  • Colored Paper twine, Felt paper roses (for decorating the stand)
  • Acrylic Paint (to paint the base)
  • Glue base - same as the first one.
The skeleton:
The CD base is painted with a similar color as the paper twine so that I could use a contrast for the extras... 
The Final Product:

A cute little piece to add some color to your desk!

The last one is a piece made from leftover cardboard of an old shoe box. Its texture is such that's it easy to fold in and play with shapes in different ways. What I've used:
  • Cardboard from a shoe box (as the stand)
  • Old CD (as the base)
  • Jute Twine, Oval shaped colored stones (for decorating the stand)
  • Acrylic Paint (to paint the base & the stand). In this case I've also used metallic acrylics for the base.
  • Glue base - same as the first one.

The cardboard is folded in cylindrical shape to serve as a stand. 
The Skeleton:
I got the twine coiled on the CD base to give a more rustic feel to it.
and the stand painted in a vibrant purple color. The base is painted with a gold metallic color. 
Finally, decorated with twine and some colored stones, this is what the final piece looks like... Love the way the colors have turned out! 
The final product:

A very cheap and an Eco-friendly way to make stuff for the home or your office space. If you have a lot of junk stuff lying around, this would be a best way to get rid of it! Yeah! I mean in a creative way! 



  1. Very creative Karen! u have a nice blog.

    1. Thank you Misha.Thanks for visiting my blog.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. they are completely amazing...!! thx for such beautiful ideas..!

  3. Hey Sagarika. Thanks for visiting my blog. Your most welcome. :)

  4. these ideas are fabulous..!!...i have tried that penstand and it loooks wonderful!!..:)

    1. Thanks Jiya. Would love to see pics of your work. Do Share them.

  5. Hey Karen.. You have great creative ideas and i like your blogs. Can you help me with this... which brand acrylic colours are good??


    1. Hey Mamta, thanks for visiting my blog. I would suggest fevicryl acrylic paints. They're easily available in the market.
