
Friday 1 June 2012

Glassy Tales 2 - Bowls & Fish Tanks

These are an addition to my glass creations. Although they’re not throw-away or junk items, they're more budget-type and are easily affordable in any local market place. Again, just like the throw-away jars and bottles, these glass items are unique in their own way

One of my earlier creations... A small lil’ fish tank mashed up with different colors and swirled around with a black glass liner! Amazing as a home decor item just besides a window!

These are unique bowls with which I've experimented to the fullest! And thanks to my stars, they turned out amazing! Love these... Got these bowls from a local market. I had no idea I could do so much with these!

I want to try more with glass bowls, but haven't come across something as unique as these...

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